Virtualbox ubuntu full screen windows 8.1
Virtualbox ubuntu full screen windows 8.1

Next, and this is an important step, you have to update grub using the following command: sudo update-grub Now save the contents and exit your editor. Of course, you’ll want to make sure the resolution you select matches on both lines, 1920×1080, etc. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash video=hyperv_fb:1280x720" You’ll need to append the same to the next line so it looks similar to the following, again all on one line with no wrapping. Looking good, but you’re not quite done yet. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash video=hyperv_fb:1280x720" The line should look something like the following, all on one line without any wrapping. To the end of it, append the following string: video=hyperv_fb:1280x720 Now scroll down and find the line that begins with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. (I’ll assume you know how to use your editor to edit and save changes.) sudo vim /etc/default/grub I’m using VIM in this example, but you could substitute nano or another text editor of your choice. Then you can use your favorite editor to open the grub file. But it can be done! All you need is a few quick edits to the grub file. (I create my VMs from the downloaded ISOs as opposed to using the pre-built images in the Hyper-V store). It’s a bit annoying though, as it doesn’t seem to allow the guest extensions to easily resize the VM. While I have some computers running it “bare metal” as they say, in order to test different scenarios, as well as record my Pluralsight courses, I also setup virtual machines within Hyper-V.

virtualbox ubuntu full screen windows 8.1

I use Ubuntu for a lot of the courses I teach, due to its popularity.

Virtualbox ubuntu full screen windows 8.1